Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012



lmbtnya nak tgu dpt gaji ni....mcm2 nk beli but of course kna berjimat skit byk bnda nak dbayar.
x dapat diagak berapa gaji kot doktor tolak gaji cause  mc hr tu dssbkan ;'ulcer mouth; memang terrible and annoying cause i cant eat spicy food at all.around 2 weeks im suffering with this's said it cause from bacteria enter through my nose and possibly from my's really know about it.tapi paling x seronok bler nak byr kat kaunter kos mencecah 60 rgt memg mahal kos perubatan sekarang ni.2 times sy pergi jumpa doktor dan berhabis duit jumpa doktor.tapi takpelah asalkan sy  shat cepat


jealous nya tgok org lain dpt apa yg sy inginkn,but somehow i now is not meant to be to me.but for how long i must face this challenge through out my life.maybe this time i need to work harder to get what i want to become more my friends who has get married and to who will  become bride soon i hope you all will happy forever with your life partner with a beautiful children someday.saya tahu masa saya akn tiba nanti tp x thu bler agaknya maybe around 3 4 years later haha i alredy 28 years that time.saya  x jumpa lagi my soulmate n 1 more sy x enjoy lg hidup sbgai bujang n x sedia nk jd 'wife somebody' watch out guys dont ever2 ask me the same question ok,just kidding.lamanya nak tggu gaji masuk...bleh gak blanja my fmly mkn kat pd really owesome...

Khamis, 26 Januari 2012


today is thursday,I hope my life will change someday...thinking about when i will get a fixed job as a staff nurse.its really difficult to face this situation actually with people around you asking the same question 'nadiah has you get a job' shit i really hate that question until now.there a lots of resume i've sent but until now still waiting if there any vacancy available for me.right know im working in kelana jaya as dental surgery assistant that not related with my studies but i take it as a challange.because for how long i must jobless with nothing to do at home.
although the salary is not high payable  for me but i still can tolerate with it cause im looking for experience not money....somehow im still waiting a call or letter for a job that i want.god please help me